Freelancing Vs. eCommerce Which is the best way to Make Money


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Freelancing and ecommerce are undoubtedly the two most popular ways to make money online. While freelancing means you are selling services, ecommerce means you are basically selling physical and digital products (some ecommerce models also allow you to sell services, such as membership). Between these two, which do you think is easier and which will help you make more money?

In order to make money as a freelancer, you need high-level professional skills, for instance you cannot make money through general writing skills, you need SEO writing skills, copywriting, product description writing etc. If you are a graphic designer, you need to be expert in graphic designing software, and need to have the ability to create eye-catching graphics.

In order to make money through ecommerce, you need to create products that sell or acquire products that are high in demand. You also need marketing and SEO skills to sell. Unless and until you have built an audience, it is difficult to sell your products.