FREE crypto from your phone [Pi cryptocurrency]


New member
Hello, I want to share with you how to easily mine crypto directly from your phone, completely free and potentially make A LOT of money utilizing the Pi network.
Pi is a new digital currency you can mine from your phone 100% free. It is by invitation only and although its currently not available on the exchange it has a value of approximately 34 cents at this time. However some experts speculate that Pi could be worth up to 100 dollars per a coin!

This is an incredible opportunity for the average person who missed the bitcoin train. I have been mining for a couple months now and I currently have roughly 1300 Pi so you can see how we are talking substantial money if Pi does hit that $100 dollar mark.
In the early days of Bitcoin, only a few people were mining and anyone could earn BTC by simply running Bitcoin mining software on their personal computer.
As Bitcoin continued to increase in value, entire companies dedicated to mining sprang up. They developed specialized computer and built massive farms of servers to mine Bitcoin. These enormous mining corporations made it difficult for ordinary people like ourselves to contribute to the network and get rewarded. Currently, only 1% of the network controls 87% of all Bitcoins.

The Pi Core team set out to find a solution. A way that would allow ordinary people to mine crypto right from thier phone. Amazingly, mining Pi will not drain your phone’s battery or use up data.

To mine Pi all you have to do is install the app on your phone. Pi seeks to both avoid the concentration of wealth and reward early miners with a relatively larger share of Pi. This means that people who join the network early get higher Pi mining rewards. These rewards will decrease as the number of people in the network grows.

Pi is not yet listed on exchanges and you can’t buy it with any currency. The only way to get Pi is to install the app and let it mine. To join the network, users must download the free app " Pi Network " currently available on Google Play Store or download it for Apple or Android from the official site here:
It is very important to verify your account when signing up. You can do so by Phone number or Facebook. It is also very important to know that you are allowed to have only 1 account and the people you invite must be real.
When signing up you can use the invitation code " mrslav ". This code allow you and me both to mine at higher rates and your balance will be credited with 1Pi.

Pi Network (PI) Price Prediction For 2020-2025
In 2020, when Pi Network app goes 100% live, a lot will depend on the number of users and exchanges accepting or rejecting PI coin. In the best case, PI price prediction 2020 is $1 – Pi Network crypto value should raise to create conditions for healthy growth.
It is hard to predict Pi Network value in 2025 since this is too long term, and the project is very young. However, the price of PI might raise to $5 and higher if the network will be properly developed. Cryptocurrencies with unique features and value always manage to get a piece of the pie.

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