Formulating valid rules and regulation as a business manager.


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It is obviously saying that in some business organisation owned and controlled by various business managers in some regions of the world there seems to be a problem in the formulation and the regulating of business rules and regulation . Being punctual and being polite to customers and clients is definitely one of the most common rule and regulation that exist in almost every business organisation enacted by the employer to his employees . But there are some rules and regulation that are not worthy of implementation and shouldn't be conducted by business employees and managers because they themselves cannot partake on such rules and regulation and so why should they allow their employees to partake ? that is definitely what we are talking about here .

It is definitely commercially true that the customers and clients are always right , but outside the business you and I know that this statement is definitely not true . Some business managers sometimes allow their customers and clients to sexually harassed by employees and workers and sometimes they even go as far as to self-gratification themselves with the employees under the terms and notice of the business employers which is absolutely bad and should be discouraged . Such business rules and regulations should be abolished and should never be practice because it is definitely not what a business organisation should be . Employees and workers are human beings and they definitely have feelings and you'll be in their manager and employer should have full knowledge of that .


VIP Contributor
As a business owner that has the duty and the role of carrying out indoor activities in a business organisation it is definitely your sole duty and objective to carry out business rules and regulation and make sure that it is being observed and formulated by individuals that should definitely abide by it and I definitely include your business employees and sometimes your clients and customers . Majority of business owners today do not have the requisite authority and details before formulating or enacting a particular business rule and regulation and it is absolutely true that punctuality and being polite to customers and clients is definitely one of the most common rule and regulation of my business organisation .

Important to make sure that your business rules and regulation are clearly formulated and definitely worth abiding to , it is indeed a device that you have all the details and all the reasons before formulating a particular business rule or regulation and what that means is that you should not formulate a rule or regulation in a business organisation that is only for your own interest but rather it is advised that a business rule or regulation also serves the interests of others possibly your employees and even the customers and clients .