
Business finance is a very critical phenomenon that requires careful criteria before embarking on the business process or during the business . Most times financing a business comes with different sources. It can be through personal saving, Retirement benefits, Gratuities. and loan from friends and associates. Business that is being financed personally as a sole proprietorship tends to be easily managed due to low bottlenecks in decision making. Also to get initial fund to finance the business may not be a great ordeal since only one person is convinced and he or she is ready to make the fund available.

However when it comes to crowdfunding, the business can either be partnership, private limited company or public limited company. Crowd funding as the name suggests is when group of people with common interest and goals gather funds and come together to establish a business with a view to be making profits and increasing their net worth individually and collectively.

Crowd funding is characterized by some factors that may make it to be disadvantageous in practice. Lack of cooperation , Lackadaisical attitude of some members that can disrupt the whole process. Some members may decide to opt out when the business is about to fly. To avoid this , i think it is important to have a written agreement and their should be proper outlining of rules and regulations that must be duly signed by all concerned.

On no account should any of the members violate the laid down instructions.

Crowdfunding business should have been growing and developing business in the world but for the disadvantages that may arise as a result of peoples attitude