Financial planning for retirement

King bell

VIP Contributor
Financial planning for retirement can be a difficult subject to approach. Many people are not educated properly about it, but this article will cover the basics that you need to know about planning for retirement. Some of the most important things to consider in financial planning for retirement include your financial goals, how much time you have left before retirement, what type of investment vehicle you have available, tax implications of your choices as well as general preparation and risk management techniques.
To begin , you need to know exactly how much time you have left before retirement. If there is a 20 year window in which you have enough time to plan, then there must be an exact number of years that should be deducted and multiplied by the percentage of time to determine your final number.
For example, let's say that you have been employed for 10 years with no breaks. You are now aged 30 years old and ready to retire. You can then do an analysis of these facts: 30 years * 8% = 240 months
240 Months / 12 months = 19.6 Years
In this example we determined that 19.