Factors that influence customer satisfaction in a business


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Customers are kings in any business and if they are not given priority to derived satisfaction from business the business can die a natural dead.

This is why it is always of essence to get your customer satisfied so that you can quickly turn them into loyal customers. So what are the factors that would hinder your customer satisfaction with your business.

Lack of Accessibility.

Customers would quickly move away if they can't access you quickly especially if they have some queries or complaints they want to resolved

No empathy for customers

Are you want that is so unfriendly and very struct. you dint have empathy for your customers especially in their bad situations you would lose them as they wouldn't feel satisfied.

Low Response Time.

When do you get to give a response to the complaints of a customer you are aware of. you would leave your customers dissatisfied when you answer their questions very late

Lack of Choices.

Customers always like the idea of diversity and varieties you need to present them with the choices which they can choose from. So it is a problem to customers when they are presented with such.

Lack of Quality.

What's your quality of products and service delivery like? less quality will lead to disatisfaction by customers.