Factors that determine types of business


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Occupation in effect can be seen as any economic or production activities which people engage in to create and procure goods and services in order to make a living. Today people engage in various activities to earn a living and to satisfy their numerous wants.

Human beings have unlimited wants, while the resources meant for the satisfaction of these wants are limited. In order to satisfy these numerous wants, people engage in one Occupation or another at least to meet up with the three basic needs of man which are food, shelter and clothing in addition to other needs that makes life more comfortable.
The factors that determine this includes:

Climate and weather differences :
The climatic and weather condition of a place determine the nature of occupation available in a particular area example fishermen will be many in riverine area.

Natural resources:
Availability of natural resources does affect the choice occupation of a people. Miners for instance will be many in areas where are are mineral resources.

Education and skill:
Education and skill can also affect the the types of occupation example unskilled workers are many extractive industries.