Factors that affect the supply business


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The supply business is a booming one as you can make a whole lot of money supplying goods to different customers. All you need do is to capture a larger market share to supply more than your competitors

But sometimes the supply business might become low because they are affected by other market factors. The factors that can affect the supply business are:

price of other related goods

The fact is that the supply of a certain products you supply can also be affected by the price of a related product. So if the price of the related product become low they might high demand for it which will make the supply of it to be higher than the products you supply

Poor Production conditions

Poor Production conditions impact negatively on the supply business. When the production conditions poor it's result in lesser output, and less output means low or less supply, whereas productive conditions will result in better output which will also bring high output..

production cost

The production cost influences supply in a big way . These are costs associated with producing a certain product. If these costs are high, of course, production will be low and likewise suppliers will supply less as well.