Effectiveness of managing Production


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The survival of business hinges on producing a goods quality and consumers acceptable products. The need food understanding the product process is very crucial to avoid Manufacturing something that will not be patronized by customers. Production is therefore the translation of one thing into another. It could be raw materials, part completed product or even finished product. Thus, production entails bringing out something of value, creating or manufacturing something that satisfies human wants.

It must be stated here that production start with an input, which has to be transformed into output that will give satisfaction to the person it was designed for. These inputs are in the form of labour, capital,and other materials that are necessary to roll out outputs.

Production management therefore entails the art of planning, organizing, directing and controlling all the available resources so that raw materials and other inputs can be processed and converted into satisfactory finished product. It has always been emphasized that oroductioni functions must be performed if people, plant and material are to be effectively combined to release products for sale. For this to be attained, a factory has to be erected and such plan for a factory has to be an integral part of the corporate plan making up the total enterprise.