Effect of groundnut oil to the body


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1. It is a good source of vitamin E and vitamin E helps in antioxidants, protecting the body from harmful substances like free radicals, free radicals cause damages to the cell if their number grows too high in the body
2. Groundnut oil also helps to reduce the heart disease risk
3. Groundnut oil help to improve insulin sensitivity and also lower blood sugar in people with diabetes
4. It is a source of unsaturated fat which is Believed to be a good healthy source of fat and this reduces the risk of having bad cholesterol levels
5. The vitamin E in groundnut oil helps to maintain good skin health making it look young and healthy and also preventing premature aging as well.
Too much of groundnut oil is not good as well but well thanks for the information because I didn't know groundnut oil has some benefits like that
Groundnut oil has a lot of benefits that it does to the body but too much of it can cause negative effect to the health
Groundnut oil helps in reducing the risk of developing certain diseases in the body but too much of it is not good for our well being
Groundnut oil is really good for the health as it makes us to be healthy and strong
Groundnut oil is good for the health as it provides nourishment for us which helps in boosting our immune system
too much of groundnut oil in the body causes pimples it prevents the skin from glowing most especially for adults