Earn Money Earneo.tube - Earnings from watching videos in RNO tokens


earneo.tube Video service that offers to earn free RNO token (traded) average price $ 0.02 for 1 RNO

The earnings themselves are very simple, you just need to turn on the video viewing and for each watched video there will be an accrual in RNO tokens

It is not necessary to watch the video in the background; sometimes you need to enter a captcha about 1 time in 30 minutes

In order for the videos to start one after another, you need to select the channel with the video and click Autoplay

You can also create your own channel and post videos.

The minimum wage for withdrawal is from 300 RNO to a wallet that supports this token, for example, trust wallet or another similar

Withdrawing 2-stage from the wallet to the exchange does not directly withdraw before it was possible

The token is traded on the exchange https://exmarkets.com does not require verification

Payout to the trust wallet, crediting within 24 hours

Token price chart

I have visited this site just now and I can understand that this is somewhat like youtube video channel. The pay out document already showed by you is right we see. But, is this yours? You are working in this site yourself? If so, that is fine and it will be certainly a way of earning money.
From the payment proof, I will it shows that the website is very rewarding. The reward is even enough to entice intending users. But I will like to know how many days it took the poster to make such return for me to know how I will be creating time for it.