Earn Paytm cash for playing games and answering: Clickomania


Verified member
Clickomania is a site that pays for answering questions related to sports and you can play games here also. This site works only for India.
You can withdraw via PayTm only.

How to start:

First, come to the site called Clickomania, and sign up here to start earning. You can get paid here for playing Cricket games and answering questions related to the same. They also have a referral policy through which you can earn referral commissions. It's a legit app and those people who love to play Cricket games on the phone can join here.

Payment threshold is not too high, so if you have a PayTm account you can try this site.
It pays for playing cricket? This is desktop or mobile based ?
The site link you provided takes to privacy error page.
I still have some questions to ask,
how much earning is made for playing?
how much earning is made for answering?
What type of questions are asked?
Is there any fees they charge for payment?
What is the minimum payout?
Always mention these things when you create a thread, just words to create are not enough, proper answered question will attract better response.