Earn Money Earn money from etsy


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How it works: If you're artistic and are the type of person who can make custom jewelry or refrigerator magnets, Etsy is the place to sell your products.

Highlights: It's easy to navigate the site and set up a shop.

Drawbacks: There's a lot of competition on the website. On one hand, the branding is big, and a lot of people know about Etsy. But once you put up your wares, as with Upwork and Fiverr, you are one in a gazillion people selling stuff on Etsy. It may feel a little overwhelming.
I have been hearing about esty but I’m yet to use the site but it is good that we have a site that those with artistic talents can money from. For the downside there is competition everywhere so a business person need to know this and rise to the occasion by being steadfast
I see this place is more like a shop on the internet where you can advertise and at the same monetize your stuffs. I think you just need to be talented and be excellent at what you do or offer. Well, mentioning about competition, I think definitely there will be competitors but we should not be discouraged with that, I think we should just be good at what we do.