Earn Money Earn money by playing games


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Good day guys, welcome to another interesting and informative session that teaches you how to make money online, cus if you are not making money you are not making sense.

In today’s article I will be sharing with you my three best way to make money playing game. Without any further ado, let jump right in.

Quality Assurance Tester

Video games are ultimately the result of computer programming - getting a computer to react the way the developer and gamers want it to, to look right, and perhaps feel as realistic as possible, like Star Trek's 'Holodeck.'

Game Tester

The most basic difference between a Quality Assurance tester and a 'Game Tester' or 'Beta Tester' is that QA deals with a product that's already met a certain level of quality as desired by the developers. Being a 'Tester' involves literally trying to 'break' a game, or find out ways to mess it up or analyze why it may or may not be fun for users.

Become an Entertainer and Streamer (Like PewDiePie)

Every gamer or YouTube follower knows the moniker "PewDiePie." But how did Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg become so famous? Well, he started out just playing video games, and uploading videos of himself playing on YouTube. He came up with his name because he thought it would be pronounced like the sound of the "shooter" video games he preferred playing.

So there you have it!

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