
Marketing in business is like a blood in the body of human being. How on earth can one say he wants to be successful on a particular business line without a formidable marketing strategy. Many African business owners are always with the ego of claiming know all about a new business that they are venturing into.

The business owner who is experienced about a particular business line for years . Now that you are starting or creating another business, there is need for such a business owner to request the service of a consultant or an expert in marketing of the new business.

Most times what we see is that most experienced business owners will always insist that they want to be running the business by themselves applying the general principles of business. This will mostly lead loss or total collapse of the whole business.

Generally, Knowledgeable and educated person in a particular are always difficult to convince to pay for marketing knowledge to drive the sales of their business.

They usually remain adamant which may not likely take them Eldorado.