Done making Beermoney? How about investments?


New member
Now that's probably no news for you that investment is key to gain real money. Buying property(real estate), buying stocks, buying a damn suit so people would recongize you, you would get connections and you would earn more, and get a better job. So what I'm here to offer is investing in crypto. Crypto arbitrage became my main source of income in quite short period of time. So here's a link for ya - register on BYBIT via that link, deposit 100$, and let me put you on a copytrading program.
I got a couple other sidehustles you would be interested in - but hey, people've been leeching information from me for free for ages now. So how about you do that and send me the screenshot on thrеshthefirst@gmа so we could get started?
Go to bybit, and enter the code promocode LKMKGG. If you can't figure out how to do that, you're not carved out for the real money.
If you don't have the sufficient summ, provide that in email as well, as well as your portfolio, so I could find you some temporary work and then get started with ya.
Don't fret, it's your lucky day. Normally people don't share that info in that line of work!