Do You Share Personal Problems With Your Boss?


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A boss is really one of the most important person in our life because we can say that we rely on our bosses when it comes to our work and our job. They are the ones who pay us and we rely on them a lot. This is one of the main reasons why it is crucial for all of us to share our job-related problems with our bosses. This is one of the main reasons why many people tend to share many things with their bosses. However, would you share anything with your boss which is related to your personal life and it might be interfering with your professional life? I am sure many people would not do so, but what if your personal life is interfering with your professional life? What about this scenario?
No I don't. And I don't think anyone should either. I mean, what exactly do you want him to do, pity you? Unless maybe it warants it, like in cases where you are late for work and you have to give an explanation. But even then, I won't tell him too much.
I don't even share most of my personal problem with my close friends talkless of even sharing it with my business boss this to me I believe it is not the right thing to do, you should rather just try on how you can manage your private problem on your own without putting it in the head of anybody. Can't even imagine myself doing that.
It is possible to share personal problem with one boss if you see the issue is beyond what you can handle.A problem shared is a problem solved if not will need to discuss some things with someone so that your mind will be relief of some matters that is bothering you.If you are close to your boss.discuss it.
I don't think it is the right to do by sharing personal information with our bosses. We should learn how to separate personal lives from bhsiness lives. What I do personally is that I always tell people that they should not judge me because I have diffrent attitude at home and at work.

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