Do you know the uses of okro seeds


Verified member
Okra has a remarkable nutritional profile.
(1) is found in one cup (100 grams) of raw okra.
33 calories
7 grams of carbs
2 grams of protein
0 grams of fat
3 grams of fiber
14% of the Daily Value for magnesium (DV)
15% of the DV of folate
14% of the DV for vitamin A
26% of the DV for vitamin C
26% of the DV for vitamin K
14% of the DV for vitamin B6
Vitamin C and K1 are both abundant in okra. While vitamin K1 is a fat-soluble vitamin renowned for its involvement in blood clotting, vitamin C, a water-soluble essential, helps to your body's overall immunological function (2, 3).
Okra also has some protein and fiber and is low in calories and carbohydrates. Several vegetables and fruits are protein-poor.
Okro dry seeds provide very good calories in the body they can be used to cure ulcer by mixing it with honey and also used to boost man impotent.


New member
Okra, also known as lady's fingers or gumbo, is a plant native to Africa and is widely cultivated in warm, tropical regions around the world. The seeds of the okra plant are used in a variety of ways, including:
  1. As a food: Okra seeds can be ground into a flour and used as a thickening agent in soups and stews. They can also be roasted and used as a snack.
  2. As a medicinal herb: Okra seeds have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of health conditions, including asthma, diabetes, and hypertension. They are also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  3. As a natural dye: Okra seeds can be ground into a powder and used as a natural dye for fabrics and other materials.
  4. As a beauty product: Okra seed oil is sometimes used in cosmetics and personal care products due to its moisturizing and conditioning properties.
It is important to note that the safety and effectiveness of using okra seeds for medicinal purposes have not been scientifically established. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before using any new supplement or treatment.


VIP Contributor
Okro seeds are a popular Nigerian food that can be used in a variety of ways. They're often fried and served as snacks, but they can also be blended with water and used as a thickening agent for soups and stews. You can also make flour from them, which is great for making breads or pastries.

Another common use of okro seeds is to add them to your bathwater, because they contain iron. which helps your body absorb iron faster. They're also good for treating inflammation, and they're great for helping you sleep at night because they contain tryptophan, which helps relax your muscles so you can fall asleep easier!

Maria Javed

Active member
Okra is the seed pod of the Abelmoschus esculentus plant. It's filled with tiny white seeds and is sometimes called lady's fingers due to its long, slender, tubelike shape.
Okra is also a source of antioxidants, which is essential in maintaining health.
Okra is an important crop in temperate and tropical climates.
Okra is a flowering plant with edible seed pods. It grows best in warm climates and is often cultivated in Africa and South Asia.
Okra contains antioxidants called polyphenols, including vitamins A and C. It also contains a protein called lectin which may inhibit cancer cell growth in humans.
Okra is rich in nutrients but less in calories.
The okra has vitamin C which helps support immune system.
Okra is also packed with vitamin K which help your body blood clot.
Benefits of okra seeds are
1. Okra seeds improves eyesight
2. They are the best source of protein
3. It contains high level potassium
4. It strengthens the immune system
5. It is good for osteoporosis
6. Okra seeds regulates digestion and intestinal movement
7. It helps to stabilize blood sugar
8. Okra seeds helps to lower the cholesterol