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There are several types of investment you can make money from and it's important to have a knowledge of how each types of the investment works.Here are some types of investment you can look up to:

A RETIREMENT PLAN INVESTMENT: A retirement plan is an investment account, with certain tax benefits, where investors invest their money for retirement. There are different types of retirement plans such as workplace retirement plans, sponsored by your employer.

OPTIONS INVESTMENT: When you buy an option, you’re purchasing the ability to buy or sell an asset at a certain price at a given time. As an investor, you lock in the price of a stock with the hope that it will go up in value. However, the risk of an option is that the stock could also lose money. So if the stock decreases from its initial price, you lose the money of the contract.

STOCKS INVESTMENT: Investing in stocks involves buying ownership in a company, with the hope that the value of the stock will increase over time and provide a return on investment.

BONDS INVESTMENT: Investing in bonds is like buying debt securities issued by companies or governments, which pay a fixed rate of interest and return the initial investment when it's matured.

REAL ESTATES INVESTMENT: Investing in real estate involves buying and owning property with the aim of generating rental income or capital appreciation.

CRYPTO CURRENCY INVESTMENT: Investing in cryptocurrencies involves buying digital tokens like Bitcoin or Ethereum, with the hope that their value will appreciate over time.

COMMODITIES: Investing in commodities involves buying and owning physical goods like gold, silver, oil, or agricultural products, with the aim of profiting from price changes.

PEER TO PEER LENDING: Investing in peer-to-peer lending involves lending money to individuals or businesses through online platforms, with the aim of earning interest on the loans.

Above the investment mentioned, it's important to conduct research, understand the risks involved, and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions..