Difference between business consultant and marketing consultant


Valued Contributor
Judging from my own point of view, it is quite obvious that these two professions are similar in nature and their features has a lot in common, well when I made my research I was able to find some few differences between them which I am going to talk about, they are;

1. A marketing consultant is a person that works in a business organization and help them to bring about different ideas of marketing strategies that can actually help the company to move forward and make more greater profits every now and then while Business consultant generally helps a particular company to give ideas they can use to make the establishment grow more bigger and better, what really makes it different in this aspect is the fact that it covers all the business activities going in the company, including, marketing aspect, management part, and all the other sectors that it has.

2. One other different that I observe is that the job of a marketing consultant is quite specific unlike the work of a business consultant which get to cover the whole parts of the organization, imagine a company facing hard time and you happen to be in such position, you will be taken responsible if nothing is done to correct it.


VIP Contributor
Business is a broader concept that includes but is not limited to product development, market research, day-to-day operations, marketing, and sales, etc. marketing is a method that helps businesses to build brands and sell products and services. Marketing is a part of business, a very important part, so to speak, because a business can drive sales only through marketing. A business consultant will give advice to business development, product development, market research, or even marketing. However, the market consultant will focus on consulting to marketing. He will advice on the mafrketing methods, marketing channels, marketing tactics, generating sales and leads, etc.


VIP Contributor
Business consultant is totally different from marketing consultant in the sense that the former has to do with tips of setting up a business and how it will be successful, and marketing consultant has sole responsibility to give advice on how a business will mive forward by attracting customers. This could be through advertisement, branding or rebranding etc....