Developing a Growth Mindset for Career Success


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A growth mindset, created by the psychologist Carol Dweck, is the belief that with enough effort and determination, you can get smarter and your skills can improve. To develop this kind of thinking, you should be ready to take on challenges, learn from criticism, be proud of the effort you put in, aim for learning more than just getting good grades, keep going even when things get tough, be curious, ask for advice, surround yourself with helpful people, let other people's successes motivate you, pay attention to how you're learning and getting better, become tough enough to bounce back from failure, and always be ready for change. If you think this way, you'll be more flexible, won't give up easily, and always ready to learn new things. This helps you grow as a person and do better in your job over time. By following these ideas, you can become stronger, more willing to change, and keep learning, which will help you grow both in your life and your career.