Covid-19 Pandemic - An Eye-opener To Relevance Of Social Media For Business Awareness


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There is no point beating around the bush. The covid-19 pandemic which took the whole world by surprise took its toll greatly on the lives of everyone both rich and poor. The negative influence was perceived by all. We lived our daily lives based on the laid down rules and regulations in order to curb the spread of the pandemic. Invariably, we traded our freedom for the reduction of the virus. The covid-19 pandemic was really an eye-opener to business owners who thought the social media is just a waste of time or a tool used merely for frivolities and has no relevance. This was the time of milk and honey for entrepreneurs who had already created and rooted their brand online, it was not hard or difficult for these set of people to adapt. Those business owners, who took the social media platforms in levity and thought it had no major influence were left in a state of dilemma. The covid-19 pandemic was both a blessing and a disaster. It had its two side of the coin. The power of creating a presence for a business through the social media platforms have been readily harnessed by a lot of business owners because they do not want a repeat of such occurrences. They've learnt to, "make hay while the sun shines."