Consequences of overworking in the workplace


VIP Contributor
It is true that we would always want to prove to our employers that we are intelligent and smart. This might make us to take up more tasks or projects to be recognized or recommended for promotion. While this is a good idea, but overworking doesn’t really prove much of these. The truth is that your worth as a worker doesn’t depends on your amount of work but more on the quality of work.

No Boss will be happy with a secretary that produces a 10 page document ridden with errors . But would appreciate one with just 3 pages output that are well typed and edited. So it at this point that it is of essence to stop overworking yourself as it comes with its negative consequences. Overworking leads to the following

Frequent burnout that isn’t even necessary

High level of stress

Loss of focus and concentration

A high decline in the quality of work produced
Being an employee means that you are accountable to someone else. That makes employees to try their best to please their employer by overworking. It could be through always doing the heavy jobs that drain you physically or spending longs hours at work that you don't have much time to rest.

Some are just workaholic as a way of escaping their other problems in life. This habit tends to affect every area of your life right from your own self, to your own family members and even your work place.

As an individual, you will be strained physically and mentally. Mental and physical fatigue will in turn make it hard to relate well with family and friends. Eventually, work becomes something you hate and dread daily to wake up and do the same thing.

It is best to avoid it or prevent it before it gets serious and get help when you find yourself deep into the habit.