Conclusion to Mistakes #1-#9 - Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2022.


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This thread series, has a total of nine identified deadly affiliate marketing mistakes to avoid. Please note, that only posts relevant to the specific mentioned mistake on a particular thread are welcome onto that thread; those not mentioned through the series, are welcome onto the concluding thread to Mistakes #1-#9 (the tenth thread of the series), thank you. Let’s get started - enjoy!


Affiliate marketing isn’t for the faint of heart, or for people who find that they tend to give up too easily or jump around from one shiny new thing to another without thinking.

It’s actually a lot of hard work, and it takes time to build resources like blog traffic and email lists. There are no shortcuts unless you have the cash to spend for content creation, buying existing websites with traffic, or paying for email subscribers or social network followers.

Always keep these potential mistakes in mind as you navigate your way through the precarious world of affiliate marketing. Be sure you’re not making these mistakes, and don’t become lax once you start making money. No one is immune to these mistakes!


> Mistake #1 – Focusing On Selling

> Mistake #2 – Not Testing

> Mistake #3 – Sticking With MMO Products

> Mistake #4 – Spreading Yourself Too Thin

> Mistake #5 – Joining Too Many Affiliate Programs

> Mistake #6 – Not Tracking Results

> Mistake #7 – Giving Up Too Quickly

> Mistake #8 – Competition Fear

> Mistake #9 – Ignoring Competition

As long as you work hard and smart, keep at it, and avoid these mistakes, you’re certain to start making money and see your income grow.

But if and/or when you give up, you’ve failed!

All the best!

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, but it’s not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Too many affiliate marketers are actually making HUGE mistakes, which cost them time, money, and may even hurt their reputations permanently.

Fortunately, once you’ve identified these killer mistakes, it’s easy to correct them so you can stop making them in your own affiliate marketing campaigns.

If you’d been wondering why your affiliate marketing campaigns aren’t as effective as you’d hoped, you might be making one or more of these big mistakes than could be seriously hampering your efforts.

In this guide, you’ve learnt about the most common mistakes made by affiliate marketers (even some highly experienced marketers make these mistakes!) You’ve also learnt how to keep from making these mistakes yourself, and how to keep from repeating the same mistakes over and over again as so many people seem to do.

This - the thread series, would be improved upon with good enough contribution.

"Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes to Avoid" inspired this. Thank you.
It is well-known that affiliate marketing is lazy man way of making money online. That does not mean that affiliate marketing is it that easy to run. People don't know that the difference between simple and easy process of making money online.

The first step to make money with affiliate marketing is to select a niche. The niche you are going to select must be less competitive as this will give you a chance to make money faster. I know someone who chooses obscure niche and he's making a lot of money as an affiliate.

The next thing is to come up with a plan how you are going to begin your affiliate marketing. You must determine the kind of traffic you want to generate to your affiliate offers. We have two different types of traffic, the paid traffic and the free.

You see the results faster with paid traffic when you are running affiliate marketing. you need to engage in lot of split testing in order to come up with the winning page traffic for the affiliate offer you are promoting.

It is very essential to build list of loyal subscribers if you want to make consistent income with affiliate marketing. You must be well determine if you want to make a successful affiliate marketing journey because you are going to meet a lot of obstacles.
I have been following your series and I can definitely say that you have done a lot of work.
Affiliate marketing requires a lot of knowledge and understanding for you to actually succeed. I have been in the Affiliate marketing space for about 2 years now, even though I have not gone to it fully.
There are a lot of things people must avoid if they really want to succeed in Affiliate marketing. Many people venture into affiliate marketing thinking that it is a get-rich-quick scheme and after sometime they realise that it is not so.
Many people even go as far as saying that affiliate marketing is dead but the reverse is the case if you do the proper thing. I always tell people that there are some skills they must learn if they actually want to succeed in Affiliate marketing.
It is also very much important you try as much as possible to have a blog as someone that wants to venture into affiliate marketing in order not to be spending money on running social media ads which may actually not convert well.
A lot of people focus too much on selling instead of trying to add value that would amount to a whole lot of sales in the future.