Comparing USSD banking and mobile app banking


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Some of the major and famous ways of making transactions in Nigeria is through either the use of USSD code or using the mobile banking app that also gives you the opportunity to perform your transactions online.

Now let's compare the two modes of transactions that I've outlined above.

Taking the USSD code mode of banking, an advantage that I can say it has over using the banking app is the fact that it can be accessible in mobile gadgets that are not having the ability to install the banking apps. Some key pad phones cannot be able to install the package and that makes it impossible for someone using such a device to take advantage of the app.

It's disadvantage is the fact that at times it may be slow compared to the mobile app. You can easily use the mobile app faster and it carries out your transactions faster since it is done online.

The USSD code mode of banking is also not affected by online traffic. It can get affected by network traffic at times though. But nevertheless it is at tikes more reliable.

The two are cool ways to carry out transactions and both have their uses and benefits and also bad sides.