CoinBit- earn money in cryptocurrency.


VIP Contributor
CoinBit is an application or website where you can download on the Google app store or the Google Play store to invest your money and get paid in cryptocurrency. This website is not entirely free and in order to access the app version you must make sure to pass through the website version so that you could link your email after paying the prescribed fee so as to have authority to download the prescribed app version. There have been many complaints about this website, and majority of people are saying that the website does not pays its members timely, however it is necessary that we have to be careful as a majority of scammers and fraudsters have cloned this particular cryptocurrency mining websites. To be able to identify the main CoinBit cryptocurrency mining platform, you must make sure to write in the login details very carefully just the way it is written in the thread topic above. The "b" must be in capital letter in order to differentiate this scamming one from the legit one.

As already mentioned this platform helps you to mine various type of cryptocurrency and withdraw your money in any kind of cryptocurrency token that you possibilities. There are so many stages of subscription in this platform but I will totally advise you to go for the first stage and begin to grow from there.

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