Changing your sluggish attitude towards making of money online.


VIP Contributor
It is absolutely true that majority of people that I personally know of today usually have a very sluggish mindset and also a very reluctant attitude when it comes to the act of making money online I want to be very sincere that have been one of the reason why majority of people do not make money online as expected or as planned . By the word sluggish women lazy and reluctancy . Well there is absolutely a way that we can check this reluctant and sluggish mindset when it comes to the art of making money online and one of the ways to do so is by strictly convincing ourselves why it is necessary for us to make money whether offline or offline or online . Making money online is absolutely very interesting and I believe majority of you may know that it is absolutely interesting . But that can only be possible if you have a very legit and considerably paying website or platform that actually rewards you for carry out simple and non-complex activities on it .

Making money online everyday could be instilled in the mind of people when there is a website that absolutely abides and also positively affect their ways of doing things and one of the ways to get to know a website like this is by asking for information and also searching for money making ideas on the internet and possibly on the YouTube app or platform . It is absolutely something to be joyous to see that the YouTube has been one of the best way by majority of people to absolutely get legit information .


VIP Contributor
I do not think that there is absolutely any individual that do not like making money this possibly due to the fact that money is a very important and resourceful to that every individual must endeavour to have even if to some extent . With money we will be able to satisfy our wants and needs and majority of people who are considered to be rich and wealthy could testify to the fact that with money their life and made more happier and more joyful . Although money cannot give true happiness and true joyfulness but what we must understand is that with money life could be making more easier and more bearable .

Despite how important the money is a lot of people today feel so sluggish and reluctant when it comes to the act of making money whether online or offline . In order to avoid that we do not become victims ourselves of who make money online sluggishly we must first of all convinced ourselves of the reason why we need to make money online or possibly offline . And that is what I have clearly given at the first paragraph of this thread . Which is the fact that money is a very important and it's also true that every individual must endeavour to have in order not to be broke and poor .


Verified member
Nice article I think there's nobody who doesn't want to make money online but sometimes people who work online can testify to sometimes experiencing brain fatigue this happens when you work online for a long time and there are some people who wants money but doesn't want to work for it you have to understand that it can't work like that you have to work for your money it is only someone who works that can enjoy.

Although there are some websites which get you tired out because of task on it are very hard but if you are really determined to making money online I think you should be able to work like that without any complain don't be sluggish you need money so you have to work for it because a lazy man will not eat and others work for their money don't look for free money there is no free money anywhere online if you find a site that pays you then work steady on it you also have to be wise about how you spend money for this is another factor which affects many people practice the Habit of saving read reviews about a website before joining it.


Verified member
Does lazy people too try to make money online? Well, I don't know what you are talking about but to me I don't think so because making money online comes with much effort and if there are some people who are sluggards and are try to make money from online then it could be the other ways. There are some way to make money online that everybody at all can even do it.

Some ways of making money life Tiktok, I can say everyone can do that because if only you have Tiktol account then you can probably make money from from it but it can even take much time before a sluggard can get that require followers that Tiktok wants. On the other hand you can decide not to make a video but some people videos to repost on your page. Apart from this I think there are less ways by which a lazy person can make money online.