Changes in RIF


Verified member
Many members of this forum are also active on RIF. There have been some changes in the ownership and other aspects of the forum this month. For those who are active on the forum, has anyone withdrawn money from the forum after the change in ownership?. The balance is now shown as DEX instead of RIF and other than the use of DEX is there any other major change in the forum? What was the reason for the change to DEX? Does the new owner of the forum own other Paid to post websites, and does he pay on time?
I haven't cashed out since the new owner took over, but I did catch the switch from RIF to DEX on the balance. So far, besides the currency swap, things seem pretty much the same to me. But I'm curious about why they made the move to DEX.
I do not use referral index forum but I know this forum through Forum Coin where I am active. I am also aware of ownership change as this was announced on Forum Coin. I do not know whether the new owner owns other paid to post sites or not but the new owner of referral index forum also owns Forum Promotion. Interestingly, the owner of Forum Promotion bought Forum Promotion from the owner of Forum Coin. Yes, the new owner ca be trusted because he has a reputation