There is a famous saying that goes your network defines your net worth, can only be true, we are the friends we keep, because they really influences our choices, what we do, and how the society sees us as individuals.

Environment ruler shapes the way we think, and the quality of our thoughts, if you find yourself in a negative environment all around negative people please try your best to stay away from those kind of people, it is better to stay alone to be around them.

You can make friends online nowadays, so it's not really a big deal, but you are better off alone than to be in a wrong company.
I think you should phrase this differently. Example.
If you have a business and you want to stay consistent and positive, change your circle, because if you have a less competitive circle you'll feel discouraged... especially if they're constantly telling you, it's not possible for you to build a business.

My friends aren't the you can do it type but they aren't much of the discouraging type either so I can still keep them

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