Causes of malaria


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Malaria is a disease caused or transmitted by mosquito spreads when you contact with a mosquito whereby the mosquito sucks blood out of the body thereby infecting you with malaria.the Symptoms of malaria are hotness of the body, sweating and the body also feels cold.
What to do when having malaria:
When you are in a place where there is mosquitoes you have to provide yourself with drugs and also before you sleep you cover yourself with a net.
Effect of malaria:
When mosquito bites you it does not make you sick only it affects your body system thereby paralysing your and destroying your you have to protect your self from mosquitoes so as for them not bite you.when infected with malaria you can always see a doctor for check up.
Malaria is caused by infected mosquito ,when infected mosquito bites anyone they gets malaria , anopheles mosquito is the one type of mosquito that is a cause of malaria , we can save our self by many prevention like covering water with lid and using ointments before sleeping and many more precautions are there to save ourselves from malaria
According to some information and research they said that there are some certain people in South Africa that are resistant to mosquito infection, that even if they are bitten by female anopheles mosquito they still will not be able to get the infection, what I'm trying to say is that if your body is not resistant to mosquito infection you should always seek for treatment.
Malaria causes you to be very week by not having enough strength we should always use mosquito net and fleet the house with mosquito fleet or we can use mosquito repellent and we should also make sure our environment is always clean so that it can be free from germs to prevent mosquitoes
Malaria is caused by infected mosquito ,when infected mosquito bites anyone they gets malaria , anopheles mosquito is the one type of mosquito that is a cause of malaria , we can save our self by many prevention like covering water with lid and using ointments before sleeping and many more precautions are there to save ourselves from malaria