Causes of cholera


Verified member
Most people get cholera this days and cholera is usually found in water or foods which has been contaminated from someone who is infected with the cholera. These cholera usually in areas that have poor sanitation or where there is an inadequate hygiene or inadequate water treatment. When a person drink contaminated water or contaminated food that has cholera bacteria the person can easily get cholera and the disease do spread in areas that have inadequate sewage and also drinking water.
These cholera causes different kinds of diseases like diarrhea, vomiting and other certain diseases as well and all this diseases if not treated immediately or not treated at all can cause death and it do take 2-3 days for this cholera Bacteria to occur

Noor ahmed

New member
Cholera is a sudden illness that happens when a person swallow food or water containing vibrio bacterium .. and the source of contaminated water is the feces of infected person that is contaminated with water.. this disease spread in the area where There is no proper sewage system and drinking water


Verified member
cholera is a disease that develop die to drinking of dirty or untreated water.when you drink dirty water the particles in the dirty water dissolve and stay in the lungs thereby causing another disease called heart it's better to treat the water you drink with chlorine or better still boil before drinking


Active member
Cholera is mostly caused by not being hygienic like keeping the environment clean and consumption of infection foods and water


Active member
Cholera is very dangerous for our health we should always make sure we are very hygienic by keeping our environment clean and taking care of what we consume


Active member
My country has a poor sanitation which leads to a lot of people having cholera but am sure that if everywhere is clean it will reduce the rail of cholera