Cash with order or cash with delivery


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As far as business is concerned most suppliers would like to go for cash with order means of payment. This is because most suppliers like the idea of compiling the already paid invoices with the orders. This will thus save them time and effort on further documentation on the same. On the other hand this can be very irritating to the buyer as they can endure losses on goods broken while on transit. This is because the quantity of the goods being ferried matches the entire order which was already paid on the time the order was submitted to the supplier.

Therefore this means of payment is more advantageous to the supplier than the distributor.
However there must be an existing contract between the supplier and the transporter on matters regarding the reconciliation on the fate of the goods in transit. With this being done then both of the parties may enjoy the business.
Well, this deal with trust level, if the trust level in your country is high, that is, people are already used to shopping online, then it is okay to use pay before delivery.

But in the case of low trust level, it will be hard for people to actually trust your business to be able to transact with you without seeing what they are going to buy, buy, I will really advise to start with payment on delivery.

I live in Nigeria, and there are a lot of scam cases when it comes to online purchases, so I always do pay on delivery or I meet up with a buyer in an open place and carry out the transaction.

There are many online stores at the moment and to be able to distinguish yourself from competition you have to be wiling to do what most are not willing to do, you can even organize a give away, to stimulate people's desire.
Sometimes the product in picture does not meet the product delivered so cash in delivery provides this kind of cheating that a lot of companies are doing nowadays. So just you check the product before paying and if you find that what was described doesn't meet the product given, you just say sorry and do not give money and product is returned to the initial seller. This is a build of trust between the buyer and final seller.
I prefer cash on delivery. It helps to prevent the buyer from being defrauded by the seller. What you ordered might be a far cry from what you got and to make things worse, you have already paid for the product.

Forget all the logic that you can complain and get a refund or a change of the product, the truth is that it takes time. Who would compensate you for the time lost? What if it was a time-bound product you ordered? I understand that in some countries, because of the level of criminal-mindedness of the citizens, pay on delivery is almost impossible.

In general terms, businesses that are sure of the quality of their products should adopt a pay-on-delivery program. If your business environment doesn't afford you to do such programs, stick to cash on order. Customers generally prefer to have their goods delivered before the make payment.
I prefer cash on delivery, I have heard many stories of how what you ordered is quite different from what was delivered. In a country where people can defraud one another,the level of trust in Nigeria when it comes to such business is on the low. So many complain from such case so I think it's better if you actually pay on delivery after checking if what was delivered is intact and same with what you ordered. I don't know how true it is about the refund of your money if at all you got the wrong item but I have seen where someone was actually complaining of how she was forced to take what she didn't ordered for,on the account of no refund.

And I think in such cases the buyer will be the one to lose,if at all you want to pay with cash with order and no refund. The supplier has nothing to lose and it beats my imagination how some people could be inconsiderate.
There are pros and cons to both cash-with-order (CWO) and cash-with-delivery (CWD) methods of payment. With CWO, the customer pays for the order upfront, before the merchandise is shipped. This offers the advantage of ensuring that the customer has the necessary funds to pay for the order. It also means that the merchant doesn't have to worry about non-payment, as the funds have already been received. However, CWO can also be a disadvantage for customers, as they may not be happy with the merchandise once it arrives and are then stuck with it. With CWD, the customer pays for the merchandise when it is delivered. This offers the advantage of giving the customer a chance to inspect the merchandise before paying for it. If they are not happy with it, they can simply refuse to accept the delivery and not pay. However, CWD can also be a disadvantage for merchants, as they may have to pay for shipping upfront and then end up not getting paid if the customer refuses the delivery.
Cash on order is actually more advantageous to the supplier but with the many cases of frauds relating to this, cash on delivery will be more preferable and I will personally go by that if I was the buyer. There are times when people will order and pay for something that will never come. But security is more guaranteed when the buyer pays on delivery and no one gets scammed in the process and I think even the supplier may not really be much affected since ultimately, his money is guaranteed and so also the item will be delivered without the threat and fear of getting scammed.

But for trusted vendors and sellers, it is alright to go with cash on order as this helps the seller to actually make good plans ahead of delivery and maximise the best profit from that service.
But all things being equal, I still will go with the idea of cash on delivery.