Can you make money without working for it?


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While some people toil to make money to feed themselves or their family daily, others just get money as they like simply because their parents are rich or they have someone to give them money whenever they ask for it, I wonder if they ever work for the money which they spend instead they depend on other people in order to get money daily. Is there a way where by someone can make money without working for it? I don't think that is possible unless you are a thief.

But if you u want to make money legally then it is a must you work for it because what you work for will mean value to you when you eventually get the money which you have been working for all this while.

If you're educated or have some knowledge then you can start working online or start a business offline or even search for a job depending on your Profession but if you aren't educated then you can start a small scale business.
Smart people don't work for money. Money works for them. So it is very much possible to make money even if we don't really work for the money directly. But for us not to be fooled by this, we need to put some efforts in place first before we can decide or before money can work for us. This process is called passive income and there are many ways this can be done.

For instance, a good YouTuber can decide to make some good videos. If he has more of these videos, he needs nothing than to go and sleep. Money will be automatically coming.

Bloggers as well can make money through his writing skill. When they write quality, educative and those entertaining posts, there are tendencies that they will still be making money through it.

There are other several ways this passive income can be made. We only need to be creative and make sure we are good at what we are doing. This will make us to make the money effortlessly.

However, one must not believe there is easy way of making money. We need to work to the stage where we don't need to work much before we have much.
Now are it hard to make money.. But note this as its hard fro some people to make money that is how it's easy for some people to get money...there some people who find it very difficult to feed there family and it is also easy for the rich people to feed there family... There is no easy ways to make money if any body tell you that to make money it easy it is a lie ,but there two ways to make money you either make money in a legal ways or inlegal ways but if you are going for a legal ways it is the best way to make money all you need to do is to work and make your pure money but if you are going for in legal ways that one is not advisable because if you doing what if you now get caught that means all your time of working will now be in vai...

So with these there is no way you can make money without working for it.....
As we all know that money in there is a very important and resourceful to that every individual today and striving to have possibly to an extent even if he or she does not want to have it in abundance . And for us to have they will sort fullness of money we need to work hard to have it but although some people today have devised a means to make money even without having to work hard for it but the one thing you must understand is that such ways of making money is considered to be illegitimate ways of making money . If we want to make money by ourselves and for ourselves it is under percent advice that will make it the right and acceptable way we do not want to make money that do not give us peace of mind even if we will have to make this money very easy and without stress .

The people today world mostly the youth of this generation engage in different activities and other bizarre unacceptable practices in order to make money which possibly include killing and sacrificing their own fellow men and women in order to perform certain rituals to appease some sort of fake and unrealistic gods of riches in order to become wealthy and have money in abundance . This is considered to be the legitimate way of making money and certainly this kind of making money strategy does not give them peace of mind .