Can Crypto Trading Be Classified As A Career?


VIP Contributor
Most of the time the term "Career" is used to associate people with some sort of profession. There are many professions that can be classified as "career" and some of those professions include, graphic designing, writing, photography, medical doctor, teacher, police officer, engineer, etc. So, basically the term "career" is used to define a certain kind of profession people choose. However, I have planned to become a full-time crypto trader and right now I am trading in cryptocurrencies. I am not sure if there is a specific kind of word that is used to describe a person who trades cryptocurrencies and if crypto trading can actually be classified as a career. I am sure that there are a lots of people who are trading crypto full-time though.
Career is anything that we do that fetches money or what we do to earn our livelihood. It is true that many have made fortune through crypto trading but it can not be regarded as career but investment. Career doesn't fluctuate in returns. Your salary is fixed based on what you render.

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