Businesses can be left behind by technological advancement


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A neighbor who is a technician of time pieces – wrist watch and all kinds of clocks – is complaining that business is down. It is not because of the pandemic but due to the prevalence of the cellphone. The primary use of the watch is for telling the time. Now that almost everyone has a phone that can also tell time then most of the people have stopped wearing their wristwatch.

Times are a-changing and we should know how to adapt to the new standard in order to live. The digital technology has done so many changes in our life not only for the watch and clock but also in other ways and means. The online store is now competing with the traditional stores and supermarket. If the businesses affected by the technological changes will innovate then they will become obsolete.
Nonetheless, I still buy watches cause they add more concept to your dressing makes it look matured. I don't just buy wrist watch for time alone, but i bought it cos i love how it is built and the fitting it will offer. So when it entices me, when i see it in the shopping mall or tech house i quickly get enticed if I'm in search for it. Technology advancement is still taking over, even the modern risk watch is part of the advancement.
This is the reality of things because the only constant thing in nature is change. I can remember those that used to make money by using the manual typewriter, they can make a dime now when everyone want a typewritten stuff with the computer so this calls for innovative skills as well
This is the reality of things because the only constant thing in nature is change. I can remember those that used to make money by using the manual typewriter, they can make a dime now when everyone want a typewritten stuff with the computer so this calls for innovative skills as well
In my first job, the office secretary's desk was the hub of the employees. Many are requesting for a memo and other typewritten documents. But when the small computers came to town the office secretary seemed to have lost most of her work because typing was made easy by the computer and printing has also become cheaper.
People who use watches just as a medium to learn about time have stopped wearing watches after they started using mobile phones. However, people who were wearing watches as jewelry pieces, are still wearing watches. Some people have switched to fitness trackers that also work as a timepiece. Businesses need to adapt to new chances.
Technology has really affected some businesses, the clock and watch business is a good example. That is why one is needed to move with time. If you realize your business is not doing well due to other advancements, then it is best to move into other types of businesses. Or you can improve what you are selling into something more unique. Like the watched can be added some features that makes them more of jewelry than to check the time.
There is probability that your neighbour will fizzle out of the business very soon if he failed to do the right thing. I think it will be very good for him to learn how to repair cell phone as this is the majority of the people are using nowadays. And I believe that it doesn't takes longer time to learn about cellphone repairing
Anybody that really wants to become successful in any business must always move with technological advancement. many people are stuck in their old ways thinking that something will last forever and that is definitely the opposite. Technology is advancing and there are new ways in which you can think of to do your business and move with technology.
There is no point in standing and watching when all your competitors are embracing technology advancement to create a better product for the end users. If you decided to remain stand still I never incorporate technology advancement into your business, you may be out of business in no time