Burglars causing damage to property repeatedly


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Some people find that their home is burgled repeatedly when they are away. There is nothing of value in the home, yet the burglars are entering the home, and damaging the doors, plumbing system, breaking the water pipes, and removing the taps. In some cases, they are cutting a part of the door to make a hole. Since there is nothing of value, the police are also not very interested. The neighbours also say that they have not heard anything when the burglary took place. However the repeated burglary affects the home owner, he or she will not take the risk of living alone in the house, and it also makes it difficult to invest money in repairing the home since the burglars may damage the home. What could be the motivation of the burglars damaging the property repeatedly, when there is nothing of value?


I can't really say for sure, but it could be they might have seen something the first time they break in, so they keep on trying their luck if they would one day see something of value, and it could also be that they have very easy access to the house, hence they would rather try their luck there than try breaking into other places. I would advice you check carefully, you might think there is notting of value there but there is definitely something attracting them.


VIP Contributor
Sometimes nothing really attracts them they are just Petty thieves looking for where to eat from so they go to any where they believe they can burgle in to steal.

This is why it is always important that one put all the necessary thing so on place so that their home is safe. if you can't afford safety gadgets which most times are very expensive then you can hire a security guard even then you should be very weary of the person . it is always good to to safe guard a place to keep them away or else they will always come in.


Valued Contributor
When the weather is cold then they want to not be in the street facing the rain so they do such kind of activities and this is the only explication for what is happening.


Verified member
Other people who own empty houses in the area are also facing the same problem. It appears that there is a gang in the area, which is closely observing the houses and damaging them, increasing the loss for the home owner who has already invested a large amount in the property. Shockingly no one in the area hears these burglars damaging the property.