Bootstrapping Strategy in Business Funding


Staff member
Bootstrapping is a strategy for building a startup (from scratch) a business only with internal resources or capital, usually starting from a small business, without having to borrow funds from outside parties or not distributing equity by means of capital participation.

Bootstrapping Goals
Some of the goals of business founders or startup owners in choosing a bootstrapping strategy are that small businesses will be easier to manage according to the level of skill and experience they have, business owners will concentrate more on product quality so they can compete in the market.

Some of the advantages of bootstrapping are:
-The operating capital is privately owned, so if you make a loss you don't need to think about how to pay the loan, but if you succeed, the profits will be reinvested so that the capital will be even bigger, and it will likely attract many investors.
- Pumping up the creativity of business people, businesses with small capital must be able to run if they have customers so that cash turnover occurs, so business people must be more innovative and creative in products and marketing or sales;
-Businesspeople are free to implement ideas, strategies, and make decisions without interference from investors.

The following are the disadvantages of bootstrapping:
-Limited capital, skills and experience do not allow for rapid development, requiring a longer process, even years.
-If demand exceeds production capacity, there is no ability to increase the units produced.
-Risk of loss at your own risk