Best Products for Print-On-Demand Business


VIP Contributor
have been doing Print-On-Demand business for a few years. I have sold different kinds of products, from coffee mugs, to T-shirts, skirts, hoodies, shorts, flip flops, stickers, etc.

In my experience, there is no such thing as the best products for Print-On-Demand business. You can sell anything you want. In fact, you can sell 80 different product categories on Redbubble and more than 400 products can be sold on Printify. All of these products are being frequently sold on these platforms. Whether you can sell or not entirely depends on your skills related to design, SEO and marketing.

In my opinion, the best way to sell a Print-On-Demand product is by giving the buyer multiple options. For instance, if you offer the same design on T-shirt, Tank, hoddie, skirt, short etc. you can appeal to all kinds of audience. Likewise, if you offer the product in different colors and sizes, your market size will also be comparatively bigger.


VIP Contributor
When people start Print-On-Demand, most of them go with the obvious choices like T-shirts and coffee mugs. While you can still sell these products no matter how saturated the market is, as a new seller it will be very difficult for you to sell products that a lot of sellers are selling. Online gurus recommend that you need to sell trending products because the algorithm on ecommerce marketplaces is designed to push trending products. However, when you are selling trending products, it is impossible to generate sales because people do not easily buy from someone who does not a good reputation on the market yet. Therefore, a better option would be selling something unique. If the buyer sees a product that no one is selling, he might be interested in that product. However, you will have to do proper SEO so that your product appears on searches and other categories on the platform.