Best Age for Retirement


Verified member
In the United States, most developed and even in developing countries, the official age for retirement is 65 years. This is the time when one formally leaves the workforce.

Of recent, people have been questioning of 65 is too late or too early. A lot of politicians work past that age so they feel it's early. Their argument is that one can still contribute to society no matter how old.
Some feel it's too late and would want to leave the workforce earlier to focus on their dreams.

I believe it should be based on you as an individual. Some people only get a government job for the gratuity and pension they will be entitled to. Some want to supplement their income to build empires of their desire. As far as your goals are met, it's not too early or too late.

If you also do not have any savings or alternative means of income, you should not think of retiring too soon. Some people also enjoy their jobs and find there's no need to retire early.


Active member
Well I always thought it depends on what each and every individual wants, and how each person lay down a plan of their lives. Yes one can still contribute to society but believe me when young and vibrant is much better,do you know that when one gets old,you behave like children and thinks like children,that's nature itself on it's own.

This is one of the reason why retiring early is not advisable,if you have no any other source of income, so I solely agree with you. It is good to set up a business or have a second plan of a source of income, either investment, business or a skill.. Never do a mistake of retiring without a back up,else you will regret it in the long run. Some people truly enjoy their job that retiring early would be a little challenging to them,retire when you know you have to and it is time for you to.