Benefits of washing hands regularly


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Washing our hands with soap and water will help to reduce bacteria from staring in our hand it is important for us to make sure that we wash our hand before during and after preparing food and also before eating or drinking and when we are done using the toilet but at home of public restroom after changing a baby's diaper or after blowing your nose sneezing or coughing and also before taking medications such as pills or hydrops it is important for us to wash our hands regularlybecause if we did not do all these by washing our hands regularly it will makes germs and bacteria to spread easily through our body which will cause serious and various illness or infections to the body which might be chronic and not be able to treat fasterso watching our hands should be very important we should make sure that we take proper care of our surroundings as well that we are hauling organic and healthy so that it will reduce the risk of all developing some certain diseases in the body which are endangers our health and is lifespan washing our hands it is very very important so as to live a healthy life
Yes this is a very good idea, in other to prevent germs and disease from entering your body one has to wash his hand regularly before and after eating and the rest of the daily activities, because once this germs enters our body they might cause different sought of infections, such as diarrhea and vomiting.
washing of hands is very important in our daily activities because we wash our hands regularly it will prevent us from developing infections will be hygienic and healthy and also when we wash our hands before or after eating it will make the food that we hate to be hygienic won't get contaminated with certain diseases like cholera diarrhoea or Typhoid so it is very good for us to make sure we maintain a healthy and hygienic habits so that we can be able to live a healthy life because it will reduce the risk of developing diseases in the body