Benefits of Using CCTV for Your Business


Verified member
Even though it may be a bit more expensive to install and monitor a CCTV system, there are a lot of benefits you can gain by using it in your business. However, you should first determine how valuable it will be to use it and if Yiu can afford to do so.

One of the main benefits of using CCTV is that is prevents and reduces chances of theft and burglary. Once people know they are being watched and recorded, petty thieves usually shy away from stealing in such places.
Another benefit is that it makes your employees more productive. It is like they are working under supervision constantly so they won't slack during work hours.

It also helps in providing criminal evidence. A lot of crimes both within and outside business premises have been solved by accessing the footage of nearby areas.

You also get to cut down on security related costs over time since you cam hire less people to do the same job.


VIP Contributor
You have stated the function of CCTV , it can be used to monitor our business and to keep it safer from theft but most times it depends on the type of business you are dealing. There are so many people that engage in farming and as such they may not really need the actual CCTV that are being installed on offices but instead they will rather need a camera trap that can be used to detect the movement of an object through body waves using the infrared technology.
This can also be used to detect animals that are dangerous to farms animals and it can also be used to detect people who are coming to steal farm animals.
It all depends on the type of business you do that will determines the type of technology will you will use for securities but at the same time this is not hundred percent safe and we should always look for any other opportunities to keep our business secured.


Using a CCTV would definitely help reduce or cut down the misuse of office equipments. Like where i am currently working, there have been damages to office properties and even to most client jobs but there have never been a time where the workers actually come out and say they did it. They always claim they are not aware of how it happened or who did it.