Shares/Stock Benefits of the Composite Stock Price Index


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Composite stock price index or Composite index is a graph to measure the market price performance of all stocks listed on a stock exchange.

Types of Composite Stock Index
Investors will read the composite stocks index as a picture/condition of the stocks market as a whole without having to analyze the stocks one by one, also to measure economic trends, analyze market activity, etc. There are three types of composite indexes that are well known in America, such as the Nasdaq Composite, the Dow) and S&P 500).

Every day the graphic index moves or continues to change (fluctuates) in real time, investors will use it as an indicator to monitor stock price movements. Here are some of the benefits of composite indexes:

1. As a benchmark for portfolio performance
Especially for investors who already hold stocks, they can monitor the development of their portfolio.

2. Signs of Market Movement
The composite index is often used as a reference to monitor current stock market conditions. If the composite index trend is increasing, it means that share prices on the stock exchange are rising.

3. Economic Growth
The composite index is used as the main factor for measuring a country's economic growth and government policies.

4. Measuring Profit Levels
The benefit of the composite index also helps investors to measure the average profit from their stock investments.

5. Reference for decision making
Investors also need a composite index as a reference for capital market players to make decisions about buying or selling shares.