Benefits of sweet potatoes


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In a 2008 study, scientists discovered that a white-skinned sweet potato extract increased type 2 diabetics' sensitivity to insulin.
Earlier, in 2000, for eight weeks, laboratory rats were given either white-skinned sweet potatoes or the insulin sensitizer troglitazone. Insulin resistance levels decreased in those who ate the sweet potato.
To prove these advantages, more human research are required.
Sweet potatoes contain vital fiber. According to studies, persons who eat more fiber may be less likely to acquire type 2 diabetes.
A portion of mashed sweet potatoes weighing 124 grams (g), or around half a cup, has 2.5 g of fiber.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020 advise individuals to take sweet potatoe for the prevention of type 2 diabetics.
Sweet potato is one of the best food that kick against diabetics and also fight against high blood pressure that is why many people like to be eating it, especially in old age when discovered it prevents different type of eye problems.