Benefits of a mentor in choosing a business


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In every aspects of our life's there has always been a need for interaction and sharing of ideas amongst people with similar ambitions and goals. This interaction often help to build the minds of this individuals and help them to stay focused on their goals and achieve the full reward.
Mentors serve as one of the links for providing this sort of interaction. A mentor is a wise, trusted counselor or teacher, someone that their knowledge about a certain matter or sphere of life surpasses that of the individual seeking mentorship.
The importance of mentors in choosing any business cannot be overlooked as it helps the individual with the need admonition and advice needed for the individual to achieve their goals in the the line of business they choose to indulge in
No one knows it all when it comes to business idea. Thus is the major reason for having some people that will serve as guidance to watch our steps while carrying out some business ideas. This will prevent us from making some mistakes that can lead to the collapse of the business.
Yeah a mentor is all those things but that's the Problem where would you find any mentor that has real and practical steps for you to follow, or even guides.
I mean what you're talking about it finding someone that has awesome knowledge about a particular thing so they can help you out.
For me it's just me following them on all their social media accounts, and reading all their posts and their blog so I can get a glimpse of their advice.
If you want to venture into any business it is very advisable that you get a mentor because he will definitely regarding you and giving you rules and regulations of how to run a successful business. He will also impact knowledge that will go a long way in helping you handle your customers better.
The success and the failure of a business always depend on the choice of a mentor. One should know that mentor is also human and can be fallible as well. So when there may be tendency that mentors alps make mistake when they give instruction, that's why we need to be careful.
Whenever one is about to start any business its very good to seek advice from people ( which we refers to as mentor) . A mentor is a person who we can see as an expert in the field or a person who has experience of what you're about to do. And his/her advise can really help some one yo succeed because who so ever fail to plan always plan to loose.
I am not opposing the skills of a mentor but only the rich can afford to hire a mentor for a business plan. Usually an entrepreneur has already big ideas in his head and only a research is missing. Doing the groundwork is a must for a new business owner to fully understand the business that he is planning. Although a mentor can help but I prefer to do the groundwork.