Basic facts to know about wholesaling real estate strategy


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With the different strategies present in the real estate industry, one of such is the wholesaling strategy. You can still this method to invest in real estate

This is about putting a seller's home under contract and then finds an investor interested to buy it. So if you are interested in this type of strategy you need to know a bit about it

The basic facts are that!

The real estate Agent gives the rights of the contract to the buyer which is always at a higher price than the seller contracted price. The difference sfte4 the sales is kept by the buyer.

When it comes to Real estate wholesaling a lot of the properties are always distressed properties. So you should know about this before going into it.

With wholesaling strategy you are taking up the role of the middleman or an intermediate which needs you to match investor or buyers with sellers. Then you keep the profit that comes from the contract.

The good thing about wholesaling strategy is that you don't have to spend much unlike when you are adopting the fix and flip strategy. With this one you don't need to make any renovations,you don't have to carry out repairs at any cost.