Basic Configuration Tips Of SEO For Beginners


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For beginners, understanding and implementing the basics of SEO is the first step towards optimizing their website or web page.

The first step in configuring SEO is to create a keyword list. This list should contain words and phrases that are relevant to the website or web page, and that people may use when searching. The list should be focused on topics and keywords that are related to the content of the website.

Once a list of keywords has been created, it can be used to optimize the website or web page. This can involve creating content that is focused on the keywords, optimizing the website or page title and meta description for the keywords, and including the keywords in the page URLs.

Additionally, SEO can involve improving the website's technical setup, such as making sure it is mobile-friendly, improving page loading speeds, and making sure the website is secure.

Finally, SEO can involve building backlinks, which involve getting other websites to link to the website or web page being optimized. This is done by writing content that other websites may find useful and submitting it to relevant websites and blogs.

Overall, configuring SEO for beginners involves creating a keyword list, optimizing content and page titles for the keywords, improving the website's technical setup, and building backlinks. These steps can help beginners get their website or web page to appear higher in search engine results.