Avoid debts after repayment


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It's always insane seeing many individuals falling back into debts after paying off their old debts. There's one thing we must always know before taking loans. Before we apply for any loan being it online loan or in person loan, we must be sure that we'll be able to pay back the money as promised. I know sometimes what we expected do fails, but we should try another strategies to always pay back our old debts. Sourcing elsewhere to pay back our old debts won't allow us borrow a new loan to pay back the old, as a result of falling into new debts when we haven't cleared the old one.
Avoiding debt after paying off old debts requires discipline and careful financial planning. Here are some steps you can take:

CREATE A BUDGET: Start by creating a budget that includes all your income and expenses. This will help you keep track of your money and avoid overspending.

PRIORITIZE EXPENSES: Prioritize your expenses so that you pay for necessities like food, housing, utilities, and transportation before any discretionary spending.

BUILD AN EMERGENCY FUND: It's important to have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses like car repairs or medical bills. Start by setting aside a small amount each month until you have at least three to six months of living expenses saved.

AVOID UNNECESSARY DEBT: Try to avoid taking on new debt whenever possible. If you need to make a purchase, save up for it rather than using credit.
USE CREDIT RESPONSIBLY: If you do use credit, make sure you can afford to pay it back. Try to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.

CONSIDER CONSOLIDATING DEBT: If you have multiple debts with high interest rates, consider consolidating them into one lower interest rate loan. This can help you save money on interest and make it easier to manage your payments.

SEEK HELP IF NEEDED: If you're struggling to manage your debts, consider reaching out to a credit counseling agency or financial advisor for help creating a plan to pay off your debts and manage your finances going forward.

LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS: Don't spend more than you earn. This may require making some lifestyle changes, like cutting back on entertainment or dining out, but it's important to live within your means to avoid accumulating new debt.

SET FINANCIAL GOALS: Having financial goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your finances. Set both short-term and long-term goals, and make a plan to achieve them.


Active member
When you get debt then it is very hard to pay old debt without getting new one especially if you are a merchant and expecting incoming funds while this never happens.