Are You Financially Fit? 6 Ways to Tell


Are you financially fit? If not, take a look at this checklist to see if you might be missing any of these things.

1. Are you paying off your debt? When it comes to credit cards, you don't want to be carrying debt that's more than 30% of your total available credit.

2. Do you have savings in place for emergencies? If the answer is no, then it's time to start building an emergency fund!

3. Are you saving for retirement or other long-term goals? It's important to have a plan in place for how much money you'll need each month in retirement and how much money will be left over after all of your monthly expenses are covered.

4. Do you have enough cash on hand to cover unexpected expenses? This means having enough money set aside in an emergency fund so that if something unexpected happens (like a car repair or medical bill), there won't be anything else coming out of your paycheck until those bills are paid off (or until the next paycheck comes around).

5. Do you have a plan? If not, what are you waiting for? You should be taking steps toward financial stability while still maintaining your personal life. not the other way around.

6. Is your monthly budget in check? If not, why not? It might sound simple, but getting organized with your finances is key to making sure that all of your bills get paid on time, so they don't pile up while they wait for you to catch up.

Do you have enough money in savings? It's important to keep some breathing room between what you spend and what comes in. even if that means saving part of every paycheck instead of keeping it all for yourself. Building an emergency fund can help protect against unexpected expenses, like car repairs or medical bills.