Are programs to earn money from Warrior Plus real or fake?


New member
On Youtube, there are a lot of videos on how to earn passive money or task to do with "a few clicks" which can make you rich or not?.

I showed interest from one video blogger and got a link about how to get successful. After that, I get several emails in my spam file every day from various programs from Warrior Plus. I tried one of them which should be "easy", but instead I was requested to upgrade but I denied these offers. I just paid the initial fee of 19 dollars but got lost. I had no idea how to get started. They offer a money-back guarantee, but it was easier said than done. The cost was almost nothing, but if they are serious they should make a refund if someone requests this and as they offered this service. As I paid via PayPal I finally got a refund from them

Has anyone experienced Warrior Plus programs? Can you really get rich with these "click and past" programs?


Valued Contributor
Well I really can’t say much about this because looking at some videos on YouTube might actually be misleading in the sense that it will eventually turn out not to be what it was said to be which will make you feel like you have been played or something like that, one just have to be calm so you will not be too excited to fall into the wrong hands, they show their ads on different big platforms does not mean that they can’t scam someone if they have the intention to do so, they only paid for the advert and company that did it is in no position to check if they are legit or not