Are government employees restricted from going into businesses?


Valued Contributor
I was reading up on a site how someone who is a government worker was seeking to know if there are restrictions as to what kind of business a government employee is supposed to engage in to , and I was really shocked to read the the Constitution of my country limits government employees to being able to venture into agriculture business only, whether livestock resting or cultivation of crops. Although the major reason why we do not seem to know about it is due to the fact that the regulatory agencies do not bother about implementing these policies that is why..

On this thread I would like us to discuss what possible reasons make the government to try limiting the employees from going into real money making businesses that would have enabled them to make some good profits in addition to their salaries. Could it be that the government prefer a situation whereby the employees remain broke and continue to wait for when their salaries would be paid only, without any reasonable alternative?

What is the situation in your country? I would really appreciate meaningful contributions that are enlightening and le us go to the extent of also Sharing our perspectives about this.